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Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #103633 in Home Improvement
- Brand: Jacob Jenson
- The Smoke alarm is an ionising smoke detecter for use in private homes
- The smoke alarm meets the requirements stated in EN 14604-2005
- It's approximately 13cm in diameter
- other products are available
Product Description
This product was designed in Denmark by Jacob Jenson. His products have gained international recognition for their original, simple and classic design. Jacob Jenson has received around 100 prizes from around the world and has 19 products included in the Design Study Collection and the Design Collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York
Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great design
Good to find an outstanding modern design for a utilitarian product.Fits well in a contemporary living environment where design is essential.
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