Compare prices Heat Alarm 240V (Rechargeable Battery Back-up) White

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Product Details

  • Brand: Et Lumiere

Product Description

The Ei154TL is Heat Alarm that runs on 230V AC mainspower, and has built in tamper-proof Lithium cells that actas a battery back-up in the event of mains failure. Theserechargeable Lithium cells are designed to have a ten-yearlife and outlast the life of the smoke alarm itself, whilstproviding up to six months of smoke alarm operationwithout mains power.

The alarm gives a fire warning when the temperature at theunit reaches 58oC. Heat alarms are designed for use inkitchens and garages, where the use of Optical or Ionisationalarms would lead to unwanted nuisance alarms.

The alarm has other advanced features such as built incircuitry to aid suppression of voltage transients and RFinterference to further reduce the chances of false alarmsunder such conditions.


  • The green indicator will illuminate to show mains poweris present
  • The red indicator will flash every 40 seconds to show thatthe detector has performed an automatic self test
  • The red indicator will flash rapidly to show an alarmcondition for the alarm that has triggered
  • The “Test” button (if pressed and held) will perform a selftest and sound the horn.
  • When interconnected to other Ei mains powered alarms,an alarm on one detector will trigger all otherinterconnected alarms (only the triggered alarm will flasha red indicator).
  • The alarm will emit a beep every 40 seconds to indicatethat the battery back-up is depleted and needs recharging
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    Title: Compare prices Heat Alarm 240V (Rechargeable Battery Back-up) White; Written by shella; Rating Blog: 5 of 5